Just in case anyone stops in here, I wanted to let you know that I'm now playing with WordPress. You can find a few new blog entries over here.
See ya there.
About six months ago, I started receiving Men's Health magazine in the mail. Out of the blue. No idea why. I gave it to a guy friend of mine, who appreciated it, but at the same time I called to cancel my "subscription." It was kind of interesting to thumb through, but really, I just don't need a magazine with articles like, "How to Get Any Woman You Want." It took about four months before I got them to stop sending it to me.
Yesterday, I picked up my mail and there, in my hot little hands, was the female version of that magazine, Women's Health. Coming to me...out of the blue. What IS it with these people? They seem to be determined to make me read their magazine. But at least this one applies to me. As soon as I finish this article on getting any guy I want, I'll pass along the info.
6:07 PM
Been playing with the banner on the page here, but haven't had time to post. To be honest, work has been keeping me so busy that by the time I get home, I don't even want to turn the computer on. And before I know it, weeks have flown by.
Well, the holidays have passed, and now I'm looking forward to Income Tax Refund time. I always make sure to set it up so I get a decent refund. This year, I've got my eye on a Canon EOS 5D. I break out in a sweat just thinking about it. I'm dying to get my hands on that camera and start playing.
But at the same time, my daughter (in her early 20s) is experiencing some pretty significant financial struggles at the moment. We stopped in to get some lunch at McD's today and she grabbed a stack of napkins. I asked why. It was because she was out of toilet paper and couldn't afford to buy any right now. Our next stop was to a store so I could buy her some toilet paper...and a few groceries. I did my time when I was in my 20s living on peanut butter and Top Ramen. Watering down the shampoo to make it last a little longer. It didn't kill me, but I feel like I should help her out with any refund money I may get. She really does need it right now. What to do, what to do. I guess I should wait and see how much I'll get first. Then I can decide.
I should also put some money into my car, but I hate spending money on cars. Repair shops are so costly and what do I have to show for it at the end? A car that feels like it's working about the same as when I took it in. Or, more likely, a car that is sure to break down a week and a half after it comes home from the shop. It's inevitable...they tweak one thing, and it throws something else all out of whack. It's a downward spiral from there.
I just think what I really need is a new toy. The 5D. That's what I need.
5:28 PM
...for Christmas? I'm not even close. And I have to work all week. I got a couple things for my daughter, but I'm a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to everyone else. Not that I don't want to give gifts to others. I just don't have the money right now. Dealing with money can be such a pain, can't it?
How are you doing? It's only a week away! Are you ready?
4:55 PM