Still here
It's been a while since I've been in here. I bet you thought I really did sell my things and run away, didn't you? (ha!)
Anyway...I have a problem. I work with a bunch of writers. We ask each other to edit our stuff...those are the rules. I may never get used to that part of my job. I've written intro's to newsletters that I've thought may need some tweaking, but when I get it back from the editing process, my voice has been completely stripped away from the piece. Yes, I can see how it's been tightened up a bit, and that's good, but it also sounds dry and bland. But I'm new there, so I just go with it. (By the way, how long do you have to be at a place before you're no longer considered "new"?)
Last week, I got a piece from a co-worker to edit, and even though I was buried under work, I took a few hours to work on his article. I know I'm not that great of a writer, but this thing was full of three examples for every point made. Lists of three everywhere. It was tedious, boring, and I whittled those down. I chose the best from the list & went with it. I know none of this is making sense without some specific examples, but I don't want to take even the slightest chance that the writing or the writer would be recognized. I really like the writer...but after I spent all that time on the article, I get online today to look at it, and almost NONE of my edits were used. I wasted so much on that thing for no reason. Lists were added back in, and other sections were completely re-written. If you ask me, he should've just edited it himself. I had so much work to do last week, I was scrambling just to get it all done...skipping all my breaks, staying late, coming in early. To see my work completely disregarded when I didn't have time for it in the first place does not make me happy.
::: sigh ::: Now where was I? Oh yeah...selling my belongings so I can run away. That's right... Anybody want to buy a couple kitchen stools?