Saturday, August 25, 2007

such a great day

During my trail run at dawn this morning, I encountered a bobcat who stood and stared at me for a few minutes before slinking along on his way to ... wherever he was going (first time I've ever seen a bobcat. I was so excited!), and a few minutes later, came across an angsty teenage male deer who refused to step off the trail so I could get by. Close encounters with wildlife always make my day.

Then I went shopping. I got my contacts ordered, and then bought an outfit to wear to a conference I have to attend this week. They want us to wear "business casual." I've got my work clothes (skirts/nylons/heels), and I've got my t-shirts and jeans. Nothing in between. So, I just had to go buy a new shirt or two and a pair of decent pants. The sad thing is, "business casual" is kind of boring. Not a lot of style to it. It's not really "me," but, oh well. The pants I got were kind of cute and new clothes are always fun.

After that, I came home, plopped onto my bed, propped up my head with big fluffy pillows and read all afternoon. It was so relaxing, and I suddenly had one of those moments. You know the one; when it dawns on you that you're actually free from all worry and anxiety for once. All seems to be right with the world at that instant, and there's a feeling of comfort and peace. One of those moments that you wish would last much longer than it usually does. But I was reveling in it this afternoon, while it did last. It was a good day.