Here's the thing...
The last week of my life has consisted of pain, dental visits, more pain, sleepless nights, more pain, and a little heartache thrown in for good measure. No one wants to hear about that. I don't want to write about that.
Fortunately I just discovered a site called Friday Five. Every Friday, they give you 5 questions to answer, and even though it is now Saturday, I'm going to post the latest Q & A's here on my blog.'s a post.
1. What was the last thing taken from you without your permission?
uhh... let me think. My daughter (who is grown & living on her own) is very good about not coming in the house and taking things without asking first (although I swear she comes in here and moves things around while I'm not home, just to mess with my mind. She denies it.) And no one takes things off my desk at work without permission. So...hmmm..... Oh, I know. My cat is notorious for taking off with things like my watches or rubber bands. It took me a couple weeks to find out where she stashed my watch last time it went missing. Silly cat.
2. Who was the photographer the last time a picture of you was taken?
My daughter.
3. When were you last taken by surprise?
Thursday, when I opened my mailbox and found a Men's Health magazine. Addressed to me. Not a man. I have no idea why. I took it to work and gave it to a friend...who is a man. If I get another one next month, I guess I'll have to call them and see what's going on.
4. When were you last taken for a ride (interpret literally or figuratively!)?
Literally...a friend of mine got a scooter and took me on a ride through town. It was a little scary. You're very exposed on those things, but I felt so European tooling around town on a scooter.
5. Where were you the last time you wished to be "taken away from all this?”"
Oh my gosh...this happens daily. I was at work. I was at home. I'm just ready for some changes in my life.