Monday, October 15, 2007

found a new widget

I've created a playlist of some of the songs on my iPod. As you can see, the player is on the top of the sidebar so if it makes you crazy, you can turn it off quickly. I've gone to sites that have had music playing, and it makes me even more insane to have to search all over the page to find the player and make it stop. So, at least I made that part easy for you. You're welcome.

Not alot has been happening in my world lately. I was running on a trail the other day, and normally when mountain bikes come up behind you, the rider will yell, "Oh your left." and you'll scoot to the right so they can get by. No problem. The other day I was running & suddenly I started hearing these bird calls. Whistling noises that didn't sound like any actual bird I had ever heard before. I slowed down and started looking around, and there he was...behind me on a mountain bike, gaining on me quickly, tweeting like a bird. I smiled and stepped aside. He said, "Thanks" and rode on down the trail. Bird calls! That was odd. Good thing I wasn't wearing my headphones. People are fun, aren't they?