Saturday, September 29, 2007

new post

Ok...I can't leave that whiney post on the top of the page any more. Even if I have nothing to say, I'm going to have to post something.

It is a beautiful autumn day outside my window. Fall is tangible to the soul. Even if I couldn't see the glorious colors on the trees, I would know it was fall just by the feel of the air. Sure, it's a bit cooler, but that's not even it. Even on the days when it's still warm, it's just feels like autumn. It's energizing and joyful, and it's my favorite time of the year.

These photos were taken last weekend on a rainy drive to the mountains. (Still loved it...even in the rain.)

reddish aspen
cloudy day

And now it's time for... The Saturday Six

1. What is your favorite carnival ride?
Either the ferris wheel (I love to be up high), or the Octopus (twirl me 'til I'm sick!).

2. What is the biggest prize you ever won at a carnival or fair?
I've never been any good at those games. I won a goldfish once, though, when I was little.

3. What is the most you ever spent at a single carnival game?
I haven't played any since I've been old enough to pay for them myself.

4. Take the quiz: What carnival ride are you?

You Are a Funhouse

You are an open, flexible person who is able to see the world through many perspectives.
Self reflective and honest, you're able to take a hard, objective look at yourself (even if you don't like what you see!). ... etc., etc., etc.

5. If you went to a typical carnival and realized you weren’t in the mood to ride the rides, what would you be more likely to want to do to amuse yourself?
Eat, eat, eat. Cotton candy, funnel cakes, sno cones...those things you just can't find anywhere else.

6. What job would you least like to have at a carnival or fair?
the cleaner of the PortaPotties