my friend is a Robby Benson look-alike
I didn't write a post yesterday. Makes me want to give up on the whole A-Post-A-Day-In-November plan. I was just so busy all day.
We're buying a car from a friend for my daughter. It's an older car that needs a little work. Since I have a few vacation days, I had some time to invest in getting this taken care of. Yesterday was spent at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles...sitting...waiting...watching my hair gray and my skin wrinkle as I anxiously listened for someone to call my number. Then when it was finally our turn, they wanted proof of insurance before they'd sell us the plates. But, I talked to the insurance company, and they needed a purchase date before they could give us insurance. So...we were stuck in that annoying cycle of events. What I ended up doing is having the DMV simply switch the title over, then I ran over to the insurance office across town and gave them a purchase date so they could finished that application...then went back to the DMV, spent another couple hours waiting in line, and presented them with the proof of insurance so we could get the plates. It's been a tedious process. We went out last night to pick up the car & discovered a few stripped screws where the license plates should be attached, no oil in the car, a low tire, etc. A list of stuff that's hard to fix when it's dark and cold, so we decided to go home and wait until we could work on it during the day. I'll probably be going back out there in a few hours.
So...another day will be spent in pursuit of this car. But that's alright. These friends gave us an unbelievable deal on this car, and once my daughter has it I won't have to play the role of chauffer any more — which, mostly, I don't mind, but my car doesn't need the wear & tear. And my grown daughter (who is young enough to be struggling financially) won't feel like she has to rely on her mom to get around...which is not what a person wants to do when they're in their 20s. So, there is a light at the end of this relatively short tunnel.On another note, have you seen Robby Benson lately? I just heard him on the NPR radio show, "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me." He's got a great voice, and as I listened to him, I kept picturing this person. Dark hair. Blue, blue eyes. He's just got great coloring. I love that look.
So, I thought it'd be interesting to see what he looks like now. It was a little surprising. Still handsome, but ya know...hairier. And he adores his wife. How cool is that?! He mentioned it on the radio show, and he mentions it in the video on his website. She's his "best friend." In a world where it's so common to hear one spouse complain about the other, it is so refreshing to me to hear a man talk about how much he enjoys his wife. That is the kind of relationship I hope to find some day. I'm glad to know they really do exist.