Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Time Out

Well, I am officially on vacation. No work for ... uh... one, two, ... five... twelve days! Holy cow. It's been years since I've taken that much time off of work all at once. Wow. What am I going to do with myself?

I could shop...if I had more money. I bought all the material to make a light box a few weeks ago. Maybe I can get that put together and take a few photos. My kitchen needs painting, my carpet needs cleaning, my car needs vacuuming. My clutter needs to be sorted, tossed, or put away. And I need to start running again. The shorter days, colder weather, and flu have sabotaged my workout routine. I can use this time to get back into that habit. And I have a stack of fascinating library books sitting next to my bed, along with a stack of my own books that I haven't read. I want to learn more CSS and web design. Yeah, there's plenty to keep me busy. As long as I don't waste all my time browsing through the internet. I've been known to do that. I start with one website, which leads to another and another and before you know it, hours have passed. But this week, I will be constructive!

What would you do if you had twelve free days?